Welcome to a New School Year!

 June 8, 2015


 Dear School Personnel and Students,

Blessed be God forever!

Welcome to a new school year!

 With the coming of a new school year comes expectations and changes which are surely for the betterment of the whole SCT community.

 We open the new school year with a new Vision-Mission Statement which would be our guiding light as we go through this school year and the other school years to come.  The new V-MS clearly shows who we are, what we want to achieve, and what we intend to become in the coming years.

This year also, as the Church declares it the Year of the Poor and as we prepare for the celebration of the 800th Jubilee of the Order of Preachers or the Dominican Order, our theme for SY 2015-2016 has been formulated as such—

                        “Seeking the Truth by Journeying with the Poor”

and is also in line with the 5-year theme of our school —

 “Know Christ, Share Christ, Live Christ through the Gospel.”

This clearly delineates the path which SCT intends to tread for the years to come.

We acknowledge the other changes we have this school year as seen in the Administrative line-up, the roster of teachers, and, of course the final preparations for the K-12 program.

 There will be challenges sputtered throughout the year but with God’s enlightenment and guidance, and our collaboration, surely, we shall prevail.

 Once again, I welcome you all to SY 2015-2016!


In our Lord Jesus Christ,

 M. Teresa E. Examen, OP

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